All students are expected to attend their classes regularly to be entitled to credits in the course in which they are enrolled.
Tardiness may be considered an absence. A student who leaves the classroom and fails to return for the rest of the period will be marked absent. The permission of the instructor should always be sought whenever a student leave the room.
A student should attend not less than 80% of the total number of recitation hours in the subject in which he desires credit.
In all cases of absences, a student is required to submit a written explanation as the cause of his absence to the Dean of his/her respective college and fill out the OSA Form 006 (01/12/06) College Admission Slip for Absences.
The dean and the instructor(s) should sign this from before the student is allowed to return to his/her classes. Upon the discretion of the dean and the instructor. Protracted absences may be excused.
An absence does not excuse a student from doing missed assignments and projects.
A student must keep count of his/her total absences in a course in which he/she wishes credit in order to avoid earning “Failed” and “Dropped” for excessive absences. A total of seven (7) unexcused absences means “Dropped” as the case may be.