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The College of Education of the University of Northeastern Philippines has for its mission, to turn our graduates who are real educators. It aims to produce mentors who are mentally, physically and spiritually fit to serve as model to the students and the community as well.. Towards this end, the Education Department has set forth the following objectives.

To train and develop future teachers who are physically, mentally and morally capable, willing and ready to serve the educational needs of the youth in the city and its neighboring towns.

  1. To turn out graduates who shall collectively work for their own good, for the good of the families, for the good of the community, and finally for the good of the Filipino Society.
  2. To teach students to develop love for one’s country, appreciation to the ideals of the Filipino Heroes, respect for human rights, and awareness to the rights and duties of citizenship.
  3. To teach students to appreciate and make use of the scientific and technological discoveries in all fields of endeavor that direct enhance and promotion of professional competence in the field of education.
  4. To develop self-discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship among students through physical education activities like sports program, leagues competition and amateur sports including training of global competition.
  5. To put up community projects in underdeveloped barangays in the City and neighboring towns to help them become economically, socially and morally self-sufficient.


  1. Being selective in the selection of enrollees through interview, examinations and compliance to pre-requisites academic requirements before admission to improve the quality of students.
  2. Increase enrollment in the college
  3. Expose the students to various activities that will prepare them to handle effectively normal and physically handicapped children.
  4. Mold them into desirable and productive citizens.
  5. Prepare them to work individually and collectively for their own good, for the good of their family, their community and their country in both normal and fast changing.

 The College of Education strives to offer new courses that shall answer the needs of the Rinconada residents, and all the people of the provinces of the Bicol Region.


Bachelor of Elementary Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in:
Physical Science
Technology and Livelihood Education
Social Studies/History
Values Education

For more information CALL US AT
(054) 299-2698 local 107

"The legacy that our parents gave and thought us, the love for the people, love for education, and love for God, we continue to improve each and every programs we offer for our students. We make sure our students achieve their goals in life. We have the most state-of-the-art facilities for all programs we offer and we continue to enhance and improve our amenities for a much better learning experience."

Vice President for Finance, UNEP

"We have so many successful graduates of this University. The former President of Bicol University Dr. Susana C. Cabredo is our product.Not to mention in the public schools we are able to produce several School Division Superintendent. We only do not provide high-quality education but we also allow our students to be exposed to the real work settings through the practicum programs of all the courses in the University."

Vice President for Academic Affairs

"I chose UNEP as my school for the start of my college life because of the quality of education they are offering to students. I never regret being a part of the university because of the quality of education they give their students and the staff or the college is so accommodating when it comes with our needs. That’s the reason why I still continue to pursue my Master’s Degree in Business Administration at the University of Northeastern Philippines."

BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management, Cum Laude
Master in Business Administration (MBA), Student

myinfo.unep.edu.ph web application for UNEP employees, faculty and student